Indulge in a romantic getaway to Victoria Falls

You would be forgiven if, while enjoying the magical views on the mighty Zambezi River with your significant other, you wished for time to stand still. As far as romantic getaways go, Victoria Falls River Lodge – set within the natural surroundings of one of Africa’s premier getaway destinations – offers the perfect combination of … Read more

From PJ’s Pen January 2020

The Zambezi here at the Falls is rising quickly; flows at Victoria Falls increased to 457m3/s on 14th January 2020. Last year on the same date, the flow was 416m3/s, an increase of 21%. Most of the rain in an average season should fall in January, February and March, so all hope is not lost … Read more

Keeping up with the Jones’s: Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones visit Victoria Falls River Lodge

“Happy Holidays from Africa!” – With these words, the ultimate Hollywood ‘royal family’ waved to their millions of Instagram followers from in front of the iconic Victoria Falls in a video published on December 24th. Posting updates from Zimbabwe over Christmas and New Years’, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Welsh actress, and her husband Michael Douglas, American actor … Read more

From PJ’s Pen December 2019

As 2019 draws to its close, and we look forward to the beginning of 2020, I thought it would be interesting to examine some little-known facts about this wonderful river that we call home. Decent rains in Western Zambia and Eastern Angola have caused the Zambezi to rise quickly, after the disastrously low levels we … Read more

From PJ’s Pen November 2019

On November 2 the first rain since 11 April finally fell on the Island, and what a blessed relief it was too. The ambient temperature dropped immediately, after nearly a month of extreme heat which has made us all feel somewhat weary.  The effects were almost instantaneous; within a day or two we had an … Read more

The Big Apple stands up for Zimbabwe’s Big Elephants

You may recall our blog about the fundraising event taking place in Central Park, New York, to raise awareness of the elephant poaching crisis in Africa.  Victoria Falls River Lodge supported this transatlantic fundraiser by sponsoring a prize –  you can read about it HERE Below is an update from Laura Taylor, who works for … Read more